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Dive with us - Extra Divers Worldwide


Tuesday, July 19, 2016   10:25 AM

They are back again: Frogs in Sharm el Naga

Normally, a frog would not be noticed in the nature reserve of Sharm el Naga – but indeed: not in the case oft he little one we are talking about, discovered today by our divers in the house reef!
Quite shy, the little frogfish has been hiding in his cave and vice versa didn‘t pay attention at all to be part oft he model business.

Sabine and Holger have discovered him anyway and after a while, they were able to grab a photographic evidence. If one is looking around closely, he may still find something new, even after so many dives on our house reef. However, like this it might happen that you will miss the couple of eagle rays, swimming right behind you. They already came over in July 2015 to takea look at us and these days they are regularly with us again.
Robert, Marisa and their team are looking forward to share his liitle part of paradise with you!

Extra Divers Worldwide
Dive Center & Hotel Management AG

Kirchstrasse 33
9490 Vaduz

