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Tuesday, May 19, 2015   3:33 PM

Sifah: ...and they are flying!

Ship-sightseeing or maybe flying school, so is currently
the common question of Guides of Extra Divers Sifah to their guests!
Sounds strange at first, but on closer inspection
and corresponding explanation it is plausible and inviting!

If one is spending his Holidays diving in Oman these days,
he should plan to spend lots of time with the Extra Divers Sifah,
as there are daily more Highlights coming up.
Wreck Sightseeing in the area around the capital Muscat are
legendary since years because of the Al Munassir. Now, our staff
found another spectacular wreck close to Kuriyat, which is due to
the beautiful vegetation and the "fish soup", ubiquitous in the
Sultanate, more than just an alternative.
A Propos "masses of fish": at the moment, the Mobulas seems to
prefer the Extra Divers dive sites as their "flying corridor".
Several times a day, the rays are sighted in large Schools to delight
our guests.

For more informations, feel free to ask at or

Extra Divers Worldwide
Dive Center & Hotel Management AG

Kirchstrasse 33
9490 Vaduz

