We are not that nit-picked
Since years, our dive center Extra Divers Naya Gawana attracts macro-fans, the muck diving spots around the the secret bay are well known, even far beyond the borders of Bali!
That was the main reason for our guests Liane and Peter to come to the Island of Gods:
Peter is a passionate photographer and with his camera always looking for fascinating macro motifs, so they were –of course- totally satisfied during their holidays.
Luckily, Peter collected enough small staff on his camera at the last diving day and for once has not set the camera for macro shootings, as suddenly a full-grown turtle is crossing their way.
While astonished discussing about the frequency of such an encounter in the Muck-paradise during the surface interval the next "shock": A whale shark!
Of course, a dram for Liane, Peter and Robert to go back into the water, immediately to capture this impression for posterity! Successfully completed the diving holidays!
Bali is not as "picky" as its reputation! Regularly, Robert reports enthusiastically about such encounters!
Almost custom made, our booking partner Buchungspartner Reisecenter Federsee just released a gerade sensational offer : However, the prices are actually as small, as one could wish ;-)